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SELVOL 205 Polyvinyl Alcohol, PVOH688

Low-viscosity polyvinyl alcohol for textile stiffening and paper sizing.

Selvol165 Polyvinyl Alcohol Grade 6299

High-viscosity, fully hydrolyzed polyvinyl alcohol with excellent tensile strength.

SELVOL 205 Polyvinyl Alcohol, PVOH688 (PVOH688)

SELVOL 205 Polyvinyl Alcohol, PVOH688

SELVOL 205 is a low-viscosity, easy-to-dissolve polyvinyl alcohol, commonly used as a stiffener or sizing agent for textiles and paper. This off-white granular solid exhibits excellent thermal and light stability, making it suitable for various industrial applications. The viscosity of a 4% solution is between 5.2 and 6.2 cps.

Product Specifications

Appearance Off-white granular solid
Viscosity (4% solution) 5.2 - 6.2 cps
Refractive Index (nD at 20ºC) 1.52 - 1.55
Specific Gravity 1.27 - 1.31
Specific Heat (J/g K) 1.65 - 1.67
Thermal Conductivity (W/m C) ~2
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (0-45ºC) 7 - 10 x 10-5 / ºC
Glass Transition Temperature 58ºC
Melting Point 180ºC
Electrical Resistivity (Ω cm x 107) 3.1 - 3.8

Applications and Benefits:

  • Textile stiffener
  • Paper sizing agent
  • Industrial applications requiring low-viscosity PVA
  • Excellent thermal and light stability


Handle according to standard safety procedures. Refer to the Safety Data Sheet for detailed information.

Selvol165 Polyvinyl Alcohol Grade 6299 (PVOH6299)

Polyvinyl Alcohol 62-99, SELVOL 165

Polyvinyl Alcohol grade 62-99 (PVOH 62-99) is a high-viscosity, fully hydrolyzed polymer designed to produce films with exceptional tensile strength and tear resistance. It provides excellent resistance to oil, grease, petroleum hydrocarbons, and common solvents. This grade is equivalent to Selvol™ 165, Elvanol 70-62, PVOH 70-62, and Poval 60-98, as well as similar to Poval 56-98.

Product Specifications

Viscosity (4% Solution) 67 ± 5 cps
Hydrolysis Fully hydrolyzed
Total Volatiles 5% Max.
Total Organic Volatiles 1% Max.
Methanol 0.9% Max.
Ash 1.2% Max.

Applications and Benefits:

  • Films with high tensile strength and tear resistance
  • Resistance to oil, grease, and petroleum hydrocarbons
  • Excellent barrier against common solvents
  • Suitable for industrial coatings and specialty films
  • Ideal for high-strength adhesive formulations


Handle in accordance with recommended safety procedures. Refer to the Safety Data Sheet for detailed handling and storage guidelines.

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